Frequently Asked Questions

Do we need a local radio station?
Our research has consistently shown that Worthing is underserved by existing broadcast media. With BBC and Commercial Radio having reduced their localness consistently over the last 10 years, it’s clear there’s a market for our town’s voice to be heard, to break through the noise once again.
Hasn’t Facebook taken over as a source of local news?
Facebook has certainly changed the way we consume local news and information, but not necessarily for the better. With a huge reduction in readership, Newspapers were forced to introduce “clickbait” articles online. The focus moved from editorially interesting and important news to misleading headlines designed to trick the facebook algorithm for maximum revenue, and encourage us as users to click in order to see banner ads.
In addition to this, the facebook community groups struggle to overcome the fact their content is often hidden away from their members in favour of the higher performing content. If you’ve ever felt the “For You” content isn’t for you or that your own friends content no longer appears in your timeline, this is Facebook’s algorithm deciding automatically what it wants you to read, not what you want to read.
What about the existing local stations?
Local commercial radio ceased to exist when Ofcom relaxed the rules allowing individual stations to share their broadcast output with other similar sized stations in geographically distant areas.
Shortly after this, the stations moved out of the towns they broadcast to, severing the final connection with the communities they previously targeted.
Because their programming content is shared, there is limited scope for truly local discussion outside of brief news headlines written from a shared newsroom by journalists who’ve never even set foot in our town.
In some instances, the presenters are not even allowed to say the station name because their music and chat is being broadcast across so many different stations wth different names in multiple counties.
Can I get on air?
In short, yes! Radio Worthing is your radio station and we want to hear your voice on air. We offer a webpage which allows you to record your thoughts and views, a direct path to getting your message on the radio.
For longer form programming we welcome suggestions and ideas for show content from anyone in the town, perhaps you have a musical passion that isn’t covered anywhere else, or a topic you feel deserves a wider audience? Get in touch and let us know and your show could get on air on Radio Worthing.