Police Issue Vehicle Crime Prevention Advice Following Tarring Break-Ins

Police in Tarring have issued crime prevention advice following an increase in reports of vehicle break-ins in the area. The guidance includes measures to deter opportunistic thefts and protect vehicle owners.
Adur and Worthing Police highlighted the importance of locking vehicles, even while refueling or parked at home, to reduce the risk of theft. They also emphasised keeping car keys secure and out of sight, as thieves have been known to use tools to fish for keys through letterboxes.
Additional advice includes not leaving valuables visible in vehicles, considering the use of alarms or tracking devices, and parking in well-lit or CCTV-monitored areas. For further details on preventing vehicle crime, residents are encouraged to visit Secured by Design’s website or report suspicious activity to Sussex Police via 999 in emergencies or 101 for non-urgent incidents.